

One World Government - Your Online Alarm and Resource Directory for the New World Order. aka the NWO.


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Info and photo source: Wikipedia

New World Order (Novus Ordo Mundi) refers to a conspiracy in which a powerful and secretive group is claimed to be conspiring to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In new world order conspiracy theories, many significant occurrences are caused by a powerful secret group. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda. One of its early mentions was in the 1975 `Declaration of Interdependence` written by historian Henry Steele Commager which states that: `we must join with others to bring forth a new world order....Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation`.
History of the term

New world order is an integrative theory that attempts to expose and explain the widespread collusion between business and political leaders and their agenda towards the restriction of personal freedoms.

Many believe the idea of the `new world order` originated in the early 1900s with Cecil Rhodes, who advocated that the British Empire and the United States should jointly impose a Federal World Government (with English as the official language) to bring about lasting world peace. Lionel Curtis, who also believed in this idea, founded the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Groups in 1909, which led to the establishment of the British-based Royal Institute for International Affairs in 1919 and the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations in 1920 .[citation needed] The concept was further developed by Edward M. House, a close advisor to Woodrow Wilson during the negotiations to set up the League of Nations (it is unclear whether it was House or Wilson who invented the actual phrase). Another important influence was the futurist H.G. Wells, a vigorous advocate for world government.

Elements of the conspiracy theory are present in the populism of the nineteenth century. The theories in their present form can be traced to the collapse of the Soviet Union and President George H. W. Bush's new world order speech of 11 September 1990. In it he described the United States' objectives for post-cold-war cooperation with the former Soviet Union, using the phrase `new world order.`


According to theorists there are many signs that will confirm these claims. For example, the strange murals in the Denver International Airport, the Illuminati seal on the $1 bill with the words `Novus Ordo Seclorum` meaning New World Order, Masonic signs on buildings (particularly in Washington DC) and pentagrams worked into city plans.

Other names for the New World Order are Illuminati Bankers, High Cabal, Fourth Reich, Synarchist International, the Cryptocracy, the power elite, and the powers that be. Supporters of this theory can say to a certain degree who is part of it. Nobody can determine who isn't part of the NWO. Most prominent families such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, and Du Ponts, as well as European monarchs, are said to be important members.

International organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, European Union, the United Nations, and NATO are often listed as core NWO organizations. Presidents and prime ministers of nations are routinely included in the conspiracy. A slightly different version of the NWO theory goes as far as saying that these families and persons are all part of the same bloodline.

Some of those who believe that the Freemasons are involved in the conspiracy to create a New World Order claim that the motto is inspired by Freemasonry, and is one of the clues to the True Masters of the World. By circumscribing the 6 pointed Star of David over the pyramid, 5 of the 6 apices (the 6th being the 'All-seeing eye'), point near letters spelling S-M-O-N-A, which can be rearranged to spell Mason. As any American dollar bill will show, the directions are not exact, and four of the apices point to empty space; the letters are at the ends of the nearest words. Additionally, for the trick to work the star must be quite irregular (and, thus, not the Star of David, which is made up of intertwined equilateral triangles).

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