LASIK/Qualifying For Surgery

Revision as of 23:10, 13 June 2007 by (talk)


Prior to the LASIK procedure, the prospective patient will meet with the surgical coordinator to discuss what to expect before, during and after surgery. During this meeting the patient's eyes will be tested and his/her medical history evaluated.

Qualifying for Surgery

While specific policy varies between LASIK providers, here are some general criteria regarding eligibility.

  • The patient is at least 18 years old (an FDA requirement). There is no upper age limit on the LASIK procedure.
  • Eye Condition:
    • Has had stable vision for at least one year
    • Is free of eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma or keratoconus AND any infections or dryness.
    • Does NOT have a history of herpes simplex infection of the eye. This does not necessarily disqualify someone from having LASIK, but there is an increased risk of infection recurrence. Studies are currently being performed to test the effects of combining anti-viral medication with LASIK on the recurrence of such an infection.
    • Pupil size: pupils should be less than 7-8mm in diameter. This constraint is due to the maximum cutting diameter of the Excimer laser. Some higher performance lasers are able to cut up to 9.5mm in diameter, but this is not standard. Your pupil size will be determined during your pre-LASIK consultation.
    • Corneal thickness: your cornea should be at least 500 microns in thickness. This will be determined during your pre-LASIK consultation.
  • General Health
    • Is in good general health; in particular, does not have an autoimmune disorder such as HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, or Lupus. The presence of any auto-immune disorder may result in unpredictable changes in the environment of the eye during and after surgery.
    • Is not pregnant, nursing, or otherwise undergoing hormonal therapy. The resulting hormonal changes may affect refractive error in the eye.
    • Is aware of the psychological consequences of the results. While results are usually superior to other forms of refractive surgery, there is a chance of error. A patient should be well aware of the possible consequences of surgery, however unlikely they may be.

> The LASIK Surgery

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