
Revision as of 23:18, 3 June 2008 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (My 1st question is: How do I make my domain a GoogleSpreadsheet, that contains the subset of all those owned domains offered for sale,starting from simple to more complex..)

The DomainRegistrar, named appears to be the first registrar, who has entered the community arena, offering a public dialogue with Aboutus members in DomainRegistrarTransfer.

Now we have the opportunity to have an additional dialogue, on how to use the GoogleApps, which are integrated into the products of

Fridemar: Hello Caleb, I am a new client of your services and I am glad, that we can ask you questions in a domain oriented public wiki. No other registrar offers such an innovative convenience yet. As I am new to GoogleApps, I am going to ask you questions, that allow a soft learning curve for all interested peers here. So my first question is: Are there already reference clients, who use GoogleApps (in connection with a account) as a tool for marketing their DomainPortfolio. If yes, then please give a link here, so that we can invite them and build on that. If this is not the case, then I am also happy to openly list my portfolio on, moving onwards together from there as pioneers. In any case we are in accordance with the core-values of (Do-ocracy,Transparency,WikiWay, WikiWayOfLife to name a few of AboutUsValues) Fridemar 10:55, 31 May 2008 (PDT)

Caleb: ...

Fridemar: Caleb, I guess there is not yet any client, who has been using Google Spreadsheets for SocialDomaining and OpenBusiness, so someone must start it. What about doing it together. As illustrational material I take my real account at FridemarOpenDomainPortfolioAtNameCom to ask you all the questions, that help newcomers to jumpstart.

My first question is: How do I make my domain a GoogleSpreadsheet, that contains the subset of all those owned domains I offer for sale, starting from simple to more complex solutions.

Caleb: ...


The above dialogue was inspired by a great ad-campaign of It serves as an example for open collaboration, that creates and shares value for and the community via synergy. Fridemar is an active member of the community, but neither a paid nor an affiliated member of either company.



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