
Troubled Teens - Turning Winds - Residential Treatment Program for at risk youth


We believe children possess an inherent ability to find acceptance and success in their lives. Tuning Winds' multi-disciplinary team uses a family-centered approach to ensure optimal growth for the students we serve. Communications between parents and children is essential. Therefore, parents are required to take an active role in the life-changing experiences their child will participate in while attending the Turning Winds Therapeutic Program. Only through the integrated knowledge of both parents and staff can we work together to fortify and expand a student's sense of industriousness, humility, direction, friendliness to the environment, integrity, responsibility, respect, a familial connection, altruism and verbal assertiveness.

Our services include individualized therapy with a licensed Clinical Psychologist, outdoor recreation, development of life skills, the teaching of appropriate social relationships, leadership development, field trips which are conducive to learning and a strong academic atmosphere. We specialize in assisting troubled teens who exhibit the following undesirable behaviors:

We believe that every troubled teen possesses a greatness which can be redeveloped given the right environment. Turning winds Therapeutic Program encourages adolescents to "Take a Stand" for what is right, and facilitates growth in troubled teens by helping them to rediscover their strengths.


Family Help 411, Inc.
Bonners Ferry ID
United States 83805

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