
Solid Entertainment - Excellence in Documentaries


Solid Entertainment was established in Los Angeles, California in 1996 by Richard Propper. The company has been successfully licensing programs in 86 broadcast territories via the following broadcasters: Animal Planet, ARTE, BBC, BBC2, BBC Horizons, Channel 4, The Discovery Channel (worldwide), Canal+, HBO, M6, NBC, NHK, NOS-EO, National Geographic, Odyssee, ORF, Orbit, Planete, Premiere, RAI, RTI, RTP, REAL-TV, STAR Entertainment Channel, SPIEGEL TV, STERN-TV, SBS6, SF-DRS, TaurusFilm, The Travel Channel, TSR, TV Ontario, VTM, and ZDF.

Solid Entertainment has become a significant source of award winning documentary programming within the broadcast industry. Originally starting with eight natural history documentaries produced for The Discovery Channel, the company has grown to include over 150 separate titles. Its focus has broadened to include all genres of documentaries: current affairs, historical, military, social, human adventure, science, technology, and of course, wildlife.

The documentaries contained in Solid Entertainment’s catalog are hand picked for their appeal to the worldwide broadcast market. Each documentary has been selected for its strong imagery and distinct narrative. Solid Entertainment attends the worldwide television festivals of NATPE, MIP, MIPDOC, MIPCOM, and IFFM.

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