
Summerville Senior Living - Assisted Living Communities and Respite Care - Assisted Living Communities and Respite Care - The Summerville Atlas


Summerville was founded in February 1996 with a goal of providing senior living solutions that exceed the expectations of seniors and their families and set the standard for senior living nationwide.

Summerville's vision is to provide seniors with an alternative to traditional long-term care facilities, one that is dedicated to meeting the changing needs of seniors in a warm caring environment that supports the individuality and dignity of each resident. Each Summerville community benefits from the expertise of our dynamic management team that is dedicated to the support of our local community-level personnel, consistent with the Summerville Mission.

Assisted living represents an extremely attractive, flexible option for seniors who may require or desire a more convenient supportive environment, but who do not have complex medical needs. A distinct combination of residential housing, personalized support services and health care, assisted living is designed to meet the individual needs of seniors who desire or require:

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