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The ever-changing and demanding market environment of today calls for efficient management of resources and the most effective solution to any problem. The academic and research institutions here in Asia Pacific are also evolving and adapting to the external environmental changes. Conferences could no longer be organized in-house with the luxury of large staff and student support. Outsourcing then becomes a key consideration for the organizing committee. Thus, there is an increasing demand for professionals in this field to plan, strategize and manage to ensure that costs of conferences are reduced and profits maximized. Acknowledging this demand, Integrated Meetings Specialist Pte Ltd (a.k.a. IMS) was established in early part of Year 2000, with the aim of providing its clients with comprehensive, successful and profitable conference management solutions. Since its inception in 2000, IMS has successfully managed over 60 meetings, conferences and exhibitions, ranging from small-scale workshops to full-fledge conferences and exhibitions. A firm believer in leading the market through inspiration and innovation, IMS invested in a web-based conference management system - the INMEET CMS 1.0, to help its clients better manage/control their conferences. The system enables considerable cost savings to be achieved, thus enhancing the conferences’ bottom lines.


Integrated Meetings Specialist Pte Ltd
Singapore Singapore
Singapore 328206

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