offers info for the Colorado Alliance immigration reform group.


CAIR - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform


About CAIR - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform

"It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest."

Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform (CAIR) is a non-profit, Colorado organization seriously concerned with America's rapid population growth and the devastating effects that growth will have on the future of Colorado and the nation.

U.S. population will double this century - within the lifetimes of children born today. 70% of this doubling will be caused by mass immigration - that is, by recent immigrants and their descendents. That will require roughly twice as many houses, cars, roads, prisons, hospitals, schools, water treatment facilities, etc. The result will be twice as much pollution, sprawl and pressure on our dwindling natural resources and the resources that we draw from other countries.

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