Revision as of 19:07, 12 June 2007 by (talk) (Additional Information)


NamePros.Com - Buy, Sell, & Discuss Domain Names


Buy, Sell, And Discuss Domain Names. A marketplace and community for domain name owners.




PO Box 55
Pinole CA 94564 US


Ron James
+1 877 846 4695



Additional Information

NamePros is currently the largest online community (forum) of domain name owners in both number of members and posts. NamePros has over 58,000 registered members and averages more than 14,000 posts per week.

Ron James, the co-owner and webmaster of NamePros, founded NamePros in February 2003. In December 2003, NamePros merged with Web Design Talk, a popular web design community. At that time the scope of NamePros discussion was expanded to include web development related topics.

One of the popular features of NamePros is its NamePoints system. NamePoints (or NP$ as they are commonly referred) are used as a currency among community members to transact, particularly as a no-fee alternative to PayPal on small value transactions. Each NamePoint is worth 2 cents USD. The "NP$ Exchange" allows users to trade in their NP$ for USD via PayPal. NamePros has held over 100 live domain auctions.

In October 2006, Ron James announced that NamePros was to become an incorporated company[1]. In doing this, he also announced that he was partnering with fellow NamePros administrator Timothy Parma; known to the NamePros community as '-db-'.

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