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MemoryArchive - MemoryArchive


Excerpted from the website:

A well known quip has it that all of life is an extension of high school. We don't know if that's true, but we do know that high school was a heck of a ride. Nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, pep rallies, freaks, geeks, bullies, loners, psychos, prom, big games, hang outs, going out, making out, flunking out, cutting class, joy riding, hooky playing, tee-peeing, keggers, the vice principle's office, decorated lockers, the in-crowd, the out-crowd, best friends, mortal enemies, crushes, true love, back seats, cheap beer, bitch'n rides, hot tunes, the lunch room, food fights, crappy jobs, and endless summers. Looking back on it (and that's what we're asking you to do), we learned to live in high school. No wonder the rest of life looks like a replay. So tell us about your high school experiences by submitting a memoir.
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