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Conservapedia - The Trustworthy Encyclopedia


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Tired of the LIBERAL BIAS every time you search on Google and a Wikipedia page appears?[1] Conservapedia began in November 2006, as the class project for a World History class, meeting in New Jersey, of 58 advanced homeschooled and college-bound students.

Conservapedia has since increased in size exponentially, with individuals contributing all over the world. Conservapedia already exceeds the number of entries in the Oxford Dictionary of World History, and is rapidly becoming one of the largest and most reliable online educational resources of its kind.



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These are both pretty extreme views. One, homosexuals are not "fags" they are people. This hateful language does not show any respect for them as people. On the other hand, Christ is a way for the church to make money off peoples natural fear. The Bible is a piece of media desgined to further the power of the church.IN THE NEW TESTAMENT- 1 Corinthians 6:9- "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor HOMOSEXUAL offenders" Obviously, the writer here was a overzealous bigot. Homosexuality is a way of life for people. Because your way of life is not conservative does not mean you are a "sinner"

"Salvation" is a way that the Church can earn money. According to them, paying an indulgement will save your soul. That is a load of crap.

  • posted by Anonymous on September 27, 2007
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Want to stay ignorant and ignore reality? This wiki is for you.

I mean, dear God, how can you people claim that what this is is what god teaches? For example, The only part in the Bible that states gods dislike of homosexuals is in the old testimate, and jesus basicly overrides this, saying that man should not judge people based on who or what they are. You people should learn to take the true meaning of the bible rather than what is written. Read between the lines.

Also, the Bible has been traslated and rewritten hundreds of thousands of times. Do you think everything that is written is original, or that some could have been added later by a translater?

It is enlightment. Do not judge humans by race, religion, culture, ability, gender, or sexuality. Judge them by who they are inside.

  • posted by Anonymous on July 16, 2007

when i hear about it i dont know weather to laugh (alot of the articles are just ridicules) oe cry (some people believe it)

Alternatives and choices are what makes democracy great. If you disagree with Wikipedia or simply want to explore another point of view, Conservapedia is an alternative. If an individual chooses to believe in God, he or she has that right. He or she also has the right to believe that God would not allow the Bible to be altered to the degree that the people reading it would be receiving faulty information, that God did not intend. So, in response to the other two entries that made claims about the Bible being "used by the church to control people"; I disagree. Thankfully, I also have the right to disagree that homosexuality is condemned by God and is a sin. I do not have the right to harm anyone who engages in homosexual behavior. This includes physical and mental pain and anguish. However, having a difference of opinion should not be considered "hate speech". Jesus loved all of his children, regardless of who we are or what we do. We should learn to love each other and state our differences of opinion respectfully, without insulting another's sexuality or religion.

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  • Elaine An (delighted) : Alternatives and choices are what makes democracy great. If you disagree with Wikipedia or simply want to explore another point of view, Conservapedia is an alternative. If an individual chooses to believe in God, he or she has that right. He or she also has the right to believe that God would not allow the Bible to be altered to the degree that the people reading it would be receiving faulty information, that God did not intend. So, in response to the other two entries that made claims about the Bible being "used by the church to control people"; I disagree. Thankfully, I also have the right to disagree that homosexuality is condemned by God and is a sin. I do not have the right to harm anyone who engages in homosexual behavior. This includes physical and mental pain and anguish. However, having a difference of opinion should not be considered "hate speech". Jesus loved all of his children, regardless of who we are or what we do. We should learn to love each other and state our differences of opinion respectfully, without insulting another's sexuality or religion. 09:17, 16 May 2008 (PDT)

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