Revision as of 13:58, 22 May 2012 by Kay Fleming (talk | contribs)



MyBuilder provides a free service that unites builders and homeowners with cutting-edge software that only advocates the most superior quality work. You are able to submit a job on MyBuilder for free. The way that My Builder operates is, when a builder gets accepted for a job the builder is then invoiced.

At the core of MyBuilder are the homeowners that rate the craftsmanship that is provided to them through the tradesmen. This in turn eases the process to acquire the highest quality of builder and for builders to have access to the best jobs available.


How did it all begin?

MyBuilder started out in a cold Bristol garage. Ryan Notz dreamed that as a stonemason he did not want to be "just another builder in the phonebook". Ryan was enthused by the fact it was so difficult to find work and how many people told him that it was so hard for people to find trusted builders. Ryan sought after his dream and turned it into a reality thanks to the support of his colleagues and business partners.

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