Revision as of 22:43, 5 April 2012 by David W McCormick (talk | contribs)


Goal Driven Online Marketing

If you need more traffic, better conversion and increased profits; you need a partner with passion. One that will really listen to your needs. A partner that can help you reach your goals, transferring knowledge along the way. A partner like Blast Advanced Media. Using a / Goal Driven Online Marketing methodology, we help you establish S.M.A.R.T. goals that are used to prioritize your online marketing. This will allow you to maximize your R.O.I. and provide measurable results.

Certified Google Analytics Consultants

/ Google Analytics Consulting is custom-tailored to provide meaningful data to help you make more informed decisions. We factor in your unique business goals to configure your account, providing easy access to performance data and build your confidence in online marketing decisions. With proper training, customization and strategy you will get the information you need.

Certified Omniture Consulting

You can use Omniture SiteCatalyst to its fullest extent with the help of Blast Advanced Media's / Certified Omniture Consultants. You can enjoy a simplified experience with this properly setup analytics tool to ensure you are getting the value out if that you paid for. We'll review your goals to help you set up proper key performance indicators (KPIs) to track so you can measure, analyze, and optimize all online initiatives across multiple marketing channels.


Certified Webtrends Consulting

If you are ready for improved decision making, we can help you simplify your experience and properly setup the Webtrends product suite. If you are ready for improved decision making, our / Certified Webtrends Consultants can help you simplify your experience and properly setup this leading analytics tool to ensure you are getting the value out if it that you paid for.

These are just some of our clients:

clients-logo-hersheys.jpg clients-logo-natureair.jpg clients-logo-blurb.jpg clients-logo-sleeptrain.jpg clients-logo-sutter.jpg

And what they've said about Blast

I want to emphasize how pleased I am with the relationship and the results professionally and personally.Patrick Bumpus Director of Marketing, California Family Fitness

I burst into tears of joy when I saw the first mood board. I was thinking, "He really gets us, he really understands what we are doing!" Thank you so much.

Joey Garcia Founder / CEO, Rise Up Belize

They pushed us to think about a lot of things that we wouldn't have otherwise considered. These included search engine optimization, user aesthetics, and messaging...very clear and very collaborative; the project was delivered on-time and on-budget. They really know their stuff here.

Todd P. Michaud President and CEO, Revionics, Inc.

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