Examples of Great Website Profile Pages

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Many web designers struggle with the usability aspect of the websites they design? Now, what is usability? Simply put, usability in websites is how simple or easy it is for a regular browser or user to find information in your website. There are many different ways to achieve usability, and there are little tweaks that you can do to make your own site instantly more usable. Saint Paul Web Design gives you the lowdown on some of the easiest tips to put into practice. With some help from [Saint Paul Web Design], your website should rank higher in usability right away! 1. A tagline for your product, service, company or website would work wonders for usability- With only a few seconds to capture the reader’s attention, your website needs a quick way to explain what it is all about. A tagline is an easy way to do that. It tells the reader what you do, what you’re about or what you promise to deliver. If your tagline is understandable, catchy and captivating, you can count on a regular user to browse and see what other things are in the other pages of your website. 2. Sites that are so big, or with a lot of pages can be easily confusing. Your reader may have trouble looking for the information that he needs. To solve this basic problem, a search field proves to be more than enough. Readers can just type in the keywords of what they are trying to look for, and they instantly get results of what they are looking for. A search field is a great time saver for any reader, and they will really appreciate that aspect of your website. 3. Put in and use a site map in your site- Site maps are a relatively new thing. They are a structural representation of what your website contains. What it does is that it lists what your website contains, in the order that they are arranged. This little thing can really help your readers know where to go when they need something specific from your website.

None of these 3 tips are very complex, or very difficult to implement. Yet, they really make a huge difference in the way your website is presented to its users. Don’t hesitate to incorporate these details into your personal sites and instantly make it more usable!

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