Revision as of 19:50, 13 October 2010 by CyberKey (talk | contribs) (Who Is Cyber Key?)

Search Smart Design and Copywriting

seo-cyber1.jpg offers SEO web design and SEO copywriting for small business and tourism oriented websites. Need to write a love letter to Google? Or make your site friendlier to the search engines?

Cyber-Key understands how to make your website talk to the search engines and your audience. Finding the right balance between keywords and words of persuasion is the trick to putting your site at the top of the organic search results.

Cyber Key also offers lots of articles and resources for the DIY designer - information on both SEO basics and the latest, cutting edge techniques.

Office Addresses

727 Catherine Street Key West FL 33040 US

128 Cambridge Road Asheville NC 28804 US


M.-J. Taylor:
1 305 872 0059
1 828 252 0072

Who Is Cyber Key?

Cyber Key was founded in 1998 by SEO Consultant and Copywriter M.-J. Taylor. M.-J.’s career in journalism led naturally to an appreciation of the information available on the World Wide Web. She created her first personal website in 1996. In 1997 she started making sites for others; it was obvious, even in the web's infancy, that “build it and they will come” didn’t apply. She took an SEO certification class early in 1998 from Robin Nobles though Kennesaw State University, and has since kept up with the industry since then through practice and research. M.-J. is a moderator on several webmaster/SEO forums, including WebProWorld, V7n forums and SEOWorkers. If you have a question about SEO, join [WebProWorld] and post your question.

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