Revision as of 21:28, 22 September 2009 by TedErnst (talk | contribs) (vertical domain box)


is the Green Policy, Resolutions and Ordinance Database

which contains over a thousand real local policies, programs, resolutions and ordinances from cities, counties, school districts, labor unions and colleges throughout the United States (and a few international ones too!). While many websites offer advocacy and analysis of progressive issues, GreenPRO concentrates on the legislation itself. Most entries include the verbatim text of the legislation. The purpose behind GreenPRO is to help elected officials and citizen activists alike craft local legislation in their own communities by seeing how other communities are tackling many of the same issues. It's also a great tool for researchers and academics interested in public policy. read more

We had a successful launch in early April, 2008 and more and more people are using GreenPRO to find out what is already out there. Check it out and see how it can help you.

Organization of this information


1) Google Maps

For visual people, see what kinds of Green legislation and programs are in your locale? You can search by Cities, Counties and Colleges.

2) Browse/Search GreenPRO through the use of a wide variety of categories

Have you stopped by to see if you can find a specific piece of local legislation or are you merely interested in discovering what might be possible to introduce in your community?

3) Browse our Master Index

The Master Index is divided into categories that list every single entry in GreenPRO.

Introduction Video

Watch the tutorial.


Additional Information

We've got a GreenPRO news blog. See what's new about GreenPRO.



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External Links

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