
Revision as of 02:29, 15 January 2008 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (WorkInProgress)

BiLinks, written as , is a shortcut for the GoogleIcon.png WikiPragma, suggested as template and here named "Bilinks List Introducer".

This page is Bidirectionally Linked with Template:BiLinks Template Suggestion with chain icon 'OO', or simply , Note: The bilinked referrer pages can be external or internal pages to a wiki: The main purpose of bilinks is WeavingTheWeb, creating a higher immediately available, more comfortable link navigation for the user in both directions. Although most modern WikiEngines support listing of the wiki-internal referrer pages, it is often very practical (especially for new users) to have explicit wiki-internal BiLinks. In this paragraph a new use of inline bilinks is introduced. GoogleIcon.png BiLinks is a generalization of GoogleIcon.png TwinPage, which is a bidirectionally linked page to another page with the same name, characterized by the symbol , whereas bidirectionally linked pages with (not necessarily but preferably) different names, are characterized by the symbol as "Bilinks List Introducer".


HTML linking


WardsWiki, MeatBall
WikiLinking, WikiLink, WeavingTheWeb

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