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The information at the Hot Flash Era helps you to manage your hot flashes and menopause symptoms safely and effectively. You probably heard that during menopause you could expect hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, but did ANYBODY tell you about all these other things you could go through?

At the Hot Flash Era you will find easy to understand explanations about what is happening to your body and detailed information about all of the 34 menopause symptoms. (Hopefully you won't experience them ALL!)

Are you curious to find out about the cause of hot flashes? Have you wondered how long menopause lasts? Are you familiar with the very first signs of menopause that start way before the obvious symptoms appear?

Another goal of this site is to give you as many options as possible about dealing with your symptoms. You can find information about herbal and natural remedies, home remedies and alternative menopause treatments.

Remedies and Treatments

Find information and tips on all major menopause and hot flash treatments, focusing on natural and herbal remedies. You can also find information on not so common treatments - and plenty of options that are free or that are using home remedies.

Menopause and Hot Flash Information

What is Your Menopause or Hot Flash Experience?

Share your menopause story and experience with all the other women out there. Which symptoms do you experience? Have you found a remedy that works? Menopause Share your story, advice and inspirational experience with the other women in the hot flash era. Everybody will love you for helping out to make us all feel better.

Who We Are

If you are wondering who is writing all these articles about hot flashes and menopause, check out our story. Read about our menopause journey and the reason we started the Hot Flash Era site.

Contact Anna

If you have questions about hot flashes or menopause, contact us and we will do our best to find your answer.

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