
Just Do It

Ce qui suit est une conversation entre Brandon etJulia sur le concept de la "do-ocracy". Encore dans sa forme très brouillon !

Il y a plus de travail à faire que les personnes ne peuvent faire.

Ceux qui font le travail prennent les décisions.

Ce terme est en rapport avec l'adhocratie. L'adhocratie est une do-ocratie avec un composant supplémentaire de structure de résolution de conflit intégré à l'intérieur. Là où existe un conflit sur une responsabilité importante, le leadership est assumé par la personne qui a le plus de whuffie, gagnés à partir de la do-ocratie. Whuffie est l'estime de votre communauté. (cf "down and out in the magic kingdom" de Cory Doctorow. Il existe deux types de whuffie... les whuffies "right handed & left handed whuffie". L'un est l'estime délestée de la communauté alors que l'autre est ce que ceux qui vous respectent pensent de cette personne.)

Le problème à propos de la do-ocratie est la prédominance de ceux qui sont les plus timides. Prendre son tour... être sans crainte. Les règles sur la manière de s'engager dans la do-ocratie. Traiter avec les brutes et les personnes qui ont beaucoup de temps

concours d'endurance du camion ... mettez vos mains sur le camion, la dernière personne qui reste debout (avec les mains sur le camion l'emporte).

Guerres de modifications et politiques de modification.

One of the assumptions often made is that there is no structure in a do-ocracy or adhocracy. The tyranny of the anti-structuralist. Nothing gets done because there is not mechanism to make contentious decisions quickly.

Conflict-resolution. Nebulous... those who do the work have more power to set policy.

In an adhocracy everyone has a fixed set of resources... their own time. As you do good things (or waste) with it, you can direct more of your time. Adding value... this is the combination of quality changes and quantity.

A piece that is essential is a framework that helps newcomers learn how to add value, and a community that supports them as they learn.

Bookend this article with a welcoming message and links to resources that we do have for supporting new community members. End it with contact info (irc, emails, talk pages, how to connect with real people).

Whuffie is broken when the determinations of whuffie are based on aggressiveness, violence or bullying.

Conflict resolution: when there is a conflict, if both parties know their roles, no violence occurs.

Doesn't do-ocracy call for equal ground? Sort of yes.

If no one is doing the work you want to do, just do it and add value, people will appreciate it. This is how leadership is build.


Takes time to deal with conflict.

Common in wiki world for new comers to jump in and overwhelm the

This is an entitlement thing ... those who will prosper and do more are those who feel entitled to jump in. Those are not necessarily bullies.

Breaking down barriers to technological fluency. Creating an environment where otherwise disenfranchised users feel warmly welcomed to join in.

Putting out clear indicators of what the wiki culture expects:

  • You don't get to smack down newcomers because that is not the wiki way
  • You don't get to come in and overwhelm the community because that is not the wiki way either

We need a to do list:

  • Wiki culture article (wiki way)
  • Technological fluency
  • Whuffie article
  • The September that never ended: Usenet was the first place where folks interacted on the web. At first, it was mostly university students who interacted. So, each September, there was a need to disseminate knowledge & culture of news groups. By 1995, it was no longer just university students as the general public latched on to news groups. Net etiquette needed to be taught to everyone, always... the endless September. The number of newbies outstripped the ability of those who were well-versed in net etiquette to teach them the culture. As a result news groups have not thrive.

So, much of the Tragedy of the information commons happens when newbies don't know the culture and experience can't keep up.

The challenge for AboutUs does not lie in technology, but in our ability to disseminate the wiki way.

Tension between openness and accountability. Take responsibility.

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