WizLocal.com reviews written by consumers like you, arranged by locality (US

> see also ReviewSense.com

WizLocal - 'The local whiz'


A growing collection of unbiased local reviews (stores, services, and places) written by and for people like you. No hype. No spin. Just local consumers sharing their experiences.

Reading Reviews

Users can quickly find local reviews through either site search or browse functionality. The browse functionality is based on a geographic categorization system that presents all reviews in a given city and enables a classic drill down experience to specific reviews. All reviews are first presented in summary format so that readers can quickly decide how much time to invest in any given article. Reviews consist of a 1-5 rating where 5 is best and 1 is worst followed by the full text of the consumer-writer's review.

Writing Reviews

Any consumer can write a review and we welcome all consumer-writers to the site. To maintain a sense of unbiased trust and community, we neither accept advertising dollars nor reviews from local business principles (the site is modestly supported by Google AdWords). Consumer-writers can submit reviews as registered members or as guests. Site members receive credit for their reviews in the form of ReviewCENTS and their first name appears at the bottom of each submitted review. In the coming weeks, ReviewCENTS may be exchanged for site schwag or a donation to an affiliated charity.

We have simplified the review writing process and request that writers provide and/or execute:

  1. Name of store, service or place
  2. Full address or as much as possible
  3. Phone number
  4. Rating (1-5)
  5. Review text
  6. Spell check (optional)
  7. Review submission

Based on the information provided, Wizlocalwill automatically categorize and summarize your review. You can watch ReviewCENTs accumulate while writing your review with our real-time counter

Growing Community

We endeavor to create a thriving community of local consumers who share experiences to help other community members make more informed decisions about stores, services and places. In doing so we reach out to like forums, such as AboutUs, in hopes of connecting like-minded individuals who find value in contributing to a locally oriented community.

How Do I Sign Up

Visit our Sign Up Page and provide your name, email address and password. As a registered member, your name will appear alongside each review you create and you will earn ReviewCENTS which may be redeemed for site schwag or a charitable donation.

Why We Created WizLocal.com

A couple of Internet addicts in search of useful local information found it too hard to find quality sources of local information written by and for real world consumers. To fill this void, we created WizLocal. We are now thrilled to invite you into our growing site beta.


P.O. Box 93124,
Mountain View, CA 94039

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External Links

Featured by AboutUs.org on:
9 Feb. 2007
"A site free of spin, hype and marketing, just a place to go to post and view reviews by people in your area."

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