offers online availability and reservation services.


Online Availability, Internet Reservation System - Webervations


Designed to work the way you work, Webervations is easily configured to seamlessly integrate into your Web site. The personal touch is what makes Webervations "Your Personal Web Reservation Service".

Webervations commitment to continued research and development provides all the features and advanced functionality you need today and ensures you will have the features and functionality you will need tomorrow. Webervations commitment to providing exceptional customer service makes our customers our best sales tool. Webervations commitment to providing an outstanding value means you only pay $80 per year. With Webervations there are no commission charges and there are no booking fees.


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Additional Information

An example of a bed and breakfast that uses Webervations is Sandaway Waterfront Lodging in Oxford, Maryland. --Sandaway Waterfront Lodging Oxford MD 08:26, 31 August 2009 (PDT)

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