
Welcome Aboard the USS Starfire


What we are

The USS Starfire is a short-story writing group. Each story is written like an episode of a Star Trek television series, but in prose form. A writer in the club "pitches" a story on the mailing list and, if approved, that writer begins the process of fleshing out the episode. Collaborations are common. We encourage discussion and a sharing of ideas as each story goes through the stages of the writing process. A new episode is completed and published on the Web site about once a month, with a "season" of 10 episodes a year.

The overall purpose of the club is to give Star Trek fans interested in fan fiction a chance to work with others to improve their writing abilities, meet people with similar interests, and have fun. Hopefully in the process, the Starfire becomes a well-developed series of short stories with plot arcs and interesting character relationships for Star Trek fans to read and enjoy.

The voyages of the Starfire begin two years after the Dominion War. Voyager is back from the Delta Quadrant, and we still don't know what the future of the Federation holds. With Enterprise set before the Federation, the end of the 24th century is open to any possibilities we want to explore. Whatever happened to Betazed? Are the Federation and the Cardassians friends? Wary allies? Still enemies? Are there any places where people don't know the war is over? What about the Romulans, the Maquis or the Founders? Not to mention the ever-present threat of the Borg.

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