
San Luis Obispo Newcomers


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Newcomers is a social and recreational group established to acquaint members with San Luis Obispo, our beautiful Central Coast, and other newcomers.

If you have been in this area less than two years or have relocated within San Luis Obispo County within the past five years, come join us. We have monthly luncheons at various local restaurants and many exciting activities. Our interest groups include hiking, gardening, dining, reading, singing, needlework, movies, kayaking, golf, tennis, bridge, Scrabble, and many other card and board games.

Membership dues are $20.00 annually; associate memberships for partners are $10.00. You may attend three luncheons and one activity as a guest prior to joining the group. With your paid membership comes a directory listing members' names and contact information as well as a list of groups and activities plus you will receive a monthly newsletter.Graduates of the club may continue to receive the newsletter and be included in the membership directory for $10.00 annually.

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