is a web host for low traffic websites


Multiple Domain Hosting ::


Siteocity Hosting is an evolution of several years of hosting experience from all realms of the hosting industry. We are fast becoming the leader in the multi-domain hosting industry. This is a way that we bring the most to our customers by charging them less per account. Customer referrals have fueled organic, steady growth, with the vast majority of new customers being referred from existing ones. As a result, our customer acquisition costs are among the lowest in the hosting industry and we pass the savings to our customers.

Our services are used by small businesses and individuals, and are also becoming favorites with designers and developers who value our rich features and low prices. We are not resellers, we own and operate our own servers.

The easiest and most efficient way to contact Siteocity Hosting is through the internet. This is where we are 24/7 with our support and there should always be a live representative online ready to answer any question you have.

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Whois information is public, but in response to some people wanting to keep their contact information private, many domain name Registrars offer a "privacy" or "proxy" service to mask the domain name owner. This domain is most likely using a proxy service.

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