

Pudgy Greeting® Cards Snail-mailed custom gift cards


Pudgy Greeting's ® are a unique new 3D gift and greeting mailer that are made in various shapes and completely sealed (approved for mailing with the United States Post Office) and filled with lots of love and other goodies. The fun begins when the recipient finds a Pudgy Greeting in the mail box. The fun turns to "WOW" when the Pudgy Greeting ® is opened and the contents are revealed. Each Pudgy Greeting ® sells for $8.00 and includes postage, a matching card and individually wrapped candy. Additional gifts of your choice can be added, making the Pudgy Greeting ® an unforgettable experience. Order now and let Pudgy Greeting's ® endure the labor of love for your friend or loved one, while you reap the rewards. All you do is place the order. Your Pudgy Greeting ® is then created, filled, sealed and mailed to the recipient.

For requests of additional gifts to be placed inside your Pudgy Greeting ® that are not listed on our site, please email us at greeting@pudgygreeting.com.

We can enclose almost anything you want, providing it will fit inside the Pudgy. The possibilities are endless! Maybe you would like to enclose a Hallmark ornament, something from Avon, jewlery, lottery tickets, gift certificates, money, a photo . . . . . Tell us your idea and we will work with you.

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Houston TX US

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