
NetMesh: Building the Web 2.0 Platform


Background & Context

Since 1998, when we first prototyped the technology that later became NetMesh, we have been working towards our goal to dramatically improve the usefulness of information and communications technologies for the individual. Even back then, we realized that if we were able to bridge traditional technology islands and bring them together into a seamless user experience, driven by the different needs of different users, rather than what the vendors of this or that piece of technology happened to assemble at any point in time and tried to push onto everybody regardless of what they needed, technology's — and people's — effectiveness would increase dramatically. Never mind how much more pleasant it would be to interact with technology, and through it with other people!

In 1998, we were far too early for this view. People were busy selling dog food over the internet, and generally building point applications. Even if those applications worked over the internet, it was almost the opposite of what we had in mind. For a long time, we felt quite lonely as we seemed we were the only ones who thought that seamlessness, the ability to remix any kind of information in a way that made sense to the user, and applications that touched the user in more ways than just through the screen of a PC was a good and valuable idea.

Well, in recent months it has become crystal clear that we weren't wrong at all with this idea. Instead, we were just far too early. Now, by late 2005, the idea of a "Web 2.0" is gaining hold. According to Tim O'Reilly, one of the originators of this term, Web 2.0 has the following characteristics: (link)

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