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Mustafa TURGUT Mustafa TURGUT


The capital of modern Turkey is situated at the heart of the extensive Anatolian plateau, at the foot of the mountain chain known as Elma Dagi, point of encounter for a radiating system of important communication routes. Ancient Ancyra (later Angora), a center for the production of angora wool which is still of economic importance for the textile industry, was taken over by the Seljuk Turks in 1147. The fortunes of modern Ankara second only to Istanbul in population, can be attributed in great part to Mustafa Kemal, better known as Ataturk (the "Father of the Turks"), who created the modern state of Turkey and promoted and encouraged the process of westernization, bringing Turkey much closer to Europe than the purely geographical distances might seem to indicate. The Mausoleum of Ataturk is set at the top of a hill overlooking a scenic boulevard, flanked by granite statues of lions, which leads to a sqoare at the base of the monumental staircase. The Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara can be numbered among the most interesting museum collections in all of Turkey, in particular as far as the material regarding the ancient civilization of the Hittites is concerned.

Amasya is located in the Yesilirmak Valley of the Central Black Sea Region. The archaeological studies have shown that many civilizations has flourished in Amasya throughout the history. The first settlement in the city goes back to 5500 BC. Since then, many civilizations were born and died in this region. The Hittites, the Kimmers, the Iskits, Lydians, Persians had once lived here and the Hellenistic, the Roman, the Byzantine, the Seljuk and the Ottoman Empires had ruled for centuries in these lands.

Antalya, or Adalia as it is called nowadays, is the center of the coastal strip famous for its tourism; with its modern hotel facilities, sports grounds, tourist harbor and numerous camping grounds, Antalya boasts ever-growing numbers of tourists, who are attached by its historic and artistic heritage and civilisation, together with its spectacular scenery. Antalya is one of the few cities existing today whose ground was inhabited in remote times.

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