

Mir Pace International


Mir Pace International is a nonprofit organization created to provide humanitarian assistance to children and families throughout the world who are suffering the devastating effects of war, natural disasters, poverty, abuse and abandonment. After a disaster is no longer front-page news, victim children and families in much of the developing world still languish in poverty and squalor, trapped in a daily struggle to survive amid horrible, often inhuman living conditions.

Mir Pace is dedicated to the ideal that all people deserve a simple, decent place to live with basic necessities such as a home, clean water, food, clothing, access to education, and medical and dental care.

Every disaster disrupts social environments differently according to a wide range of variables. Impacts of disasters on affected populations include death, displacement, impaired health, loss of purpose, self-esteem, and self-reliance. Although these emergencies are frequently caused or complicated by civil strife, hope for a peaceful future can only be resolved by a political solution to the root causes of crises. In the interim, humanitarian assistance is necessary to reduce vulnerability, alleviate human suffering, and restore the self-sufficiency and livelihoods of disaster-affected populations. Mir Pace is currently working in the village of Tamahú, Guatemala and in the Kagera region of Tanzania, East Africa, with plans to expand our programs in 2007.

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