Medora Solutions Inc.


Medora Solutions Inc. is an IT services company providing a wide range of services in the areas of Design, Online Marketing and Interactive Technology. Medora Solutions designs brand identities, creates email marketing campaigns and develops web sites and E-commerce solutions.


Medora Solutions Inc. provides cost-effective high quality website design and development solutions. A new website can be designed from scratch and a current website can also be re-designed.

The company provides e-commerce software that allows a client's customers to order products and services online. Total system setup and configuration services are available which include catalog creation, merchant account setup and credit cards processing gateway.

Also available to clients is an email marketing service to help organizations communicate in a far better way with their customers. Medora provides custom-designed templates, real-time response tracking and features that help a client's customer base grow.

Also on offer are full managed, professional and small business web hosting, domain names hosting and email address hosting services.


Medora Solutions Inc.

  1. 300 - 3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia,

Canada, V5R 5W2


Tel: +1.604.630.3075
Fax: +1.604.435.8181
Toll Free: +1.822.763.3672
You can also use the contact form here to get in touch with Medora Solutions.

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