

The website owner has elected not to initialize their AboutUs.org page with content from their website. We apologize that this page is more sparse than other pages on AboutUs.org. If you are familiar with this website, we would like to invite you to contribute your thoughts and constructive comments. Just click the any of the 'edit' links.

Notice from the site owner

I decided to go against the grain of irresponsible bloggers and block bots from indexing my WP blog as it is not at this point a proper repository of information or knowledge. I'm personally sick of search results clogged with tons and tons of redundant hits from blogs with material completely irrelevant and/or outdated material. I personally "elect" not to be part of the problem. I'm happy that AboutUs.org respects the directives in my robots.txt and individual pages by not indexing them though they could use a change of wording in their automated explanation. I was neither contacted nor given any notification of this service let alone the methods of opting out of it, so to say I elected to do anything specifically related to this site is fairly misleading. -- 00:38, 24 October 2006 (PDT)

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