
Northern Ireland's luxury hotel accommodations at Beech Hill Country House Hotel


Beech Hill History: 17th Century Beginnings

The first house, known as Ballyshaskey, was built in 1622 on the spot where the present stables stand, by Alexander Skipton, the first of the name who came to Ireland. Alexander never occupied the house as he was murdered the day before his family was to move in. There are different versions of what happened to cause this murder, many dependent upon the lineage of the teller. Read more about it and decide for yourself…

18th Century Families

The current Beech Hill was built in 1729 by Captain Thomas Skipton and remained in the family for many generations. They were among the leading scholars, merchants and adventurers of their age and their glorious past has left a clear mark on the house.

20th Century Connections

On 5 February 1942, the U.S. Navy established its first base on the European side of the Atlantic, in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on the banks of the River Foyle, just miles away from the Skipton estate (now known as Beech Hill Country House). The Marines were a welcome sight to this area, which had sent most of its young men off to war in 1939 in the British Army, and from which many never returned. Beech Hill has maintained ties to the US Navy and Marines ever since. Read more about the Marines, including the redhead from Boston who started the barracks drum and bugle corps, a bagpipe band which became a trademark of this unit.

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