- Info on autism with tips to teaching people with autism


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Autism Awareness Article

Helping a Member of Your Family That Has Autism

When you reside with a family member that has been diagnosed with autism, you realize just how difficult this medical condition can be. The person who has autism has many special needs that must be met in order for them to lead a quality filled and happy life. Here, you will discover many ways that you can help a member of your family that has autism. These ways will allow that member of the family to feel valued and experience the high quality of life that everyone deserves.

The first way that you can help a family member that has autism is to understand that the condition is not a result of fault on any person. It is not the fault of the person who has autism, and it is not the fault of the people that are around the person who has been diagnosed with autism. You should accept the family member that has autism, and not be judgmental in any way whatsoever. Though it can be relatively easy to become frustrated with the family member with autism, it is important that you try to avoid doing this.

The second way that you can help a family member with autism is to work carefully with them when trying to teach them, or simply talk to them. You should understand that the person with autism is likely to become easily distracted. If you are trying to talk to them, or teach them something, it is important that you ensure that you have their attention. A good way to tell if they have grasped what you have just said is to have the person to repeat that which you have said. If you must, have them repeat it more than once.

If you are trying to help a family member with autism that is young in age, or a child, it is important that the first thing that you do is provide a routine. If a child with autism has a routine that they are familiar with daily, it will be easier for them to adjust to their surroundings so that they may learn other important things. Comfort is a big key when it comes to helping a family member with autism. This is especially true when that family member is a child.

The last way that we will discuss when it comes to helping a family member who has autism is that you should learn as much as you possibly can regarding the condition. You should talk with the diagnosed doctor on the condition and have them explain as much as they are able to with you. In addition to this, you should consider joining a support group in your community. This will allow you to connect with other people in your community that is touched by the condition of autism in one way or another. There are numerous ways that you can help a family member with autism. You must simply approach the condition with an open mind and a true working knowledge of autism.



Additional Information

Early Signs of Autism in Children

Autism is a very common medical condition. Many people do not realize that at least eight infants out of each one thousand born each year will be born with autism. Many parents are quite concerned about the rising statistics of autism. It is something that is important, and should be considered by each new parent. It is important to ensure that you understand what the early signs on autism in children are if you are a parent. The quicker that autism is found in a child, the better the possibility is when it comes to the outcome of the medical condition. Here, you will find many of the early signs of autism in children.

1) The first early sign of autism in children is when they do not progress appropriately by the time that they are one year of age. This includes being able to make certain babbling noises, and displaying particular gestures and such. 2) If your child has not said their first word by the time that they are approximately 17 months old, you should be concerned about the possibility of autism. 3) If your child does not respond to you appropriately, or it seems as if they do not hear you, you should have a hearing test performed immediately. Often, the child who has autism does not respond in such a way that shows that they are able to hear things appropriately. 4) It is important that a child is able to put together various words by the time that they are two years of age � or younger. If your child is unable to do this, you should consult your pediatrician and express your concern as this could be an early sign of autism. 5) If you find that your child is not responding appropriately to their name, this could be a sign of autism. Of course, for many kids, this may occur as a result of being engrossed in play and various forms of entertainment, but if it happens on a consistent basis, it could be a sign of autism. 6) If your child does not play with toys in an appropriate manner, this could be a sign of autism. The autistic child may perform rituals with toys, like lining them up a certain way, or placing them in a certain area in a defined way. For example, an autistic child may line up or stack their toys in a particular manner and if they toys become disheveled, they may experience severe stress.

There are many early signs of autism that should be noted to your child�s pediatrician if you see that they are occurring. It is very important to consult a doctor if you have any suspicion of autism. The earlier that you detect autism in a child, the more effective that the treatments can be over time.

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