3DN the gift of the least among us

I had recently added "honor the gift of the least among us" to the list of values on the NetworkWeaversNetwork home page. Someone else changed that to "sensitivity to the needs of others". To me, those are very different thoughts - assuming that the person who changed it thought their version was a better way to say the same thing.

To me the second statement speaks of our obligation to others . . .

To honor the gift means to understand that we are all in this together and that each of us contributes in our own way. So we need to think about what each of us is contributing and 1) take no action to prevent that contribution 2) look at how our own actions can facilitate that contribution, and 3) look at the possibilities for bridges that enhance that contribution as well as our own.

Linda's Suggestion

I would welcome any other thoughts on this concept.

See the discussion [1] on Ned.com.

User:David Braden

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There are two different ways that I think about this from a "System point of view". First, is the issue of conflict and scarcity. Resources are only scarce because we fail to include all those who might be able to contribute.

We believe that conflict is the natural state of affairs because We believe that resources are scarce and there will always be conflict over who gets what share of those resources. Neither belief is necessarily true, both conflict and scarcity derive from the lack of adequate relationships within the Whole set of relationships. With a better map, We can create the additional relationships that We need. See: Using a Better Map

The other way that it seems to apply is that we all start out as "the least" - with every birth there is a new start from scratch - and we can think of that as an 80-90 year opportunity for building bridges - so that each of us contributes more and more value to the flows.

David Braden

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