3DN production and consumption loops

Christina said:

what if people could get paid for their bananas in soap, candles, charcoal or produce from the farm, etc.

What if we could also start a service economy in bananas for such things as cooking, cleaning, and education/child care? We can think in terms of all those things that can be produced and consumed locally not needing shillings.

We could start a workspace on Needs and skills and see how many pieces we could fit into that. From Integrated Production:

The green house I would like to build has the following components:
- Hay field - harvested to raise grasshoppers - fed to chickens -
- chicken waste - to worm bed - worms to feed chickens - worm castings to planting bed -
- planting beds - raise tomatoes, chili peppers and onions - waste to worm bed -
- chickens, tomatoes, chili peppers and onions - go into Green Chili Sauce -
- which goes to an attached restaurant serving smothered bean burritos and chicken enchiladas
Anyone hungry?

The basic idea is to include as many closed loop production/consumption cycles as possible to reduce cash costs.

As cash costs approach zero, gross revenue approaches net income which can then be either distributed to the participants (workers) or reinvested in additional capacity.

Or see George Chan's work at ZERI. It is easier for me to think of those closed cycles if I enclose them in an entity - we could think of that "entity" as the community - or all those trading in bananas - or we could think of something less formal than a "corporation" such as Chris Cook's open corporate.

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