3DN Greatest Difference

Whereas a business is structured to optimize the utilization of capital, I envision a structure to optimize the utilization of labor. The primary advantage of that change in structure is the ability to produce an abundance of basic goods and services. Therefore, I expect that in World Y, all those who choose to participate in one of these new structures will enjoy the following advantages:
  • Every child born to participating parents will be held, spoken and sung to, and otherwise receive the stimulation they need as infants and toddlers to allow them to learn at capacity.
  • Every participant will have access to preventive medical care.
  • Every participant will have adequate nutrition, clothing and shelter.
  • Crime and violence will be reduced because potential criminals will have the option of participating and because the participants will be less vulnerable to victimization.
  • There will be a flowering of art, music, story, and entreprenurial spirit, because participants will not be forced to work long hours at menial jobs - they can choose to pursue their passions while they participate.
  • Every such new structure will, in part, achieve abundance in food by instituting production systems that align with biological processes - increasing biological diversity - meaning that participants will live in cleaner and more biologically diverse environments - that are both healthy and beautiful.

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