3DN Game of Life

Game of Life

Understanding the Mechanics of System Function

At the start of the game the virtual space is filled with nodes that we call producer/consumers. Each node is connected to other nodes based on what it produces and what it needs to consume to survive and prosper. If we zoom out, we see that the nodes are clustered into businesses, religious groups, nations, and other groupings that affect which connections are available to them. See Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Vision
If we zoom in we see that the nodes are not just human, they are people, plants and creatures of all kinds, all producing different things and all needing different things. If we zoom in on any connection, we see it as a double conveyor belt with one type of value moving away from the node and another type of value moving toward the node. As a player, you are a human node and your goal is to make as many connections as possible. You make offers of connection to other nodes and they either accept or reject based on the net effect of your offer on their set of connections.
There is flowing across the various connections the food, clothing, shelter, education and health care that you need to prosper in the game and there is also flowing across those connections potential harm in the form of connections that drain resources like fraud, disease, hatred, and violence. The player tries to align themselves in the flows to maximize the opportunity for new connections with positive flows and minimize the likelihood that they encounter negative flows.
As a player, you can accumulate currency, assets, the right to share in the production of a group, information, knowledge, and wisdom. You can increase the value of your time by increasing productivity. You can also cause a drain of resources for others which will impact the willingness of others to accept your offers of a connection. When you zoom in on your own node we will have a graphic representation of the world you have created. You can choose to make that a sterile place – or make your home a garden with lots of connections to plants and creatures.
As a player you can choose to play as an individual or as a family or as an extended family and the interesting one to me would be to play as a community – all the people living in a locality – and experiment with the types of connections we could make – realizing more and more of the human and biological potential resident in our locality.


A common Platform

but to think if/how it can be used we must first have commonly accepted platform – that is what I am looking for!!!! It won't work other way round!!!
Yes, the game I described does not have a virtual version. It is the "common platform" that we all experience every day. It is just that, from inside the game, trying to avoid all the "harm" flowing around, makes it look like a first person shooter. If you step back and look at how the connections direct the flow of value, the real world is exactly what I described. And the belief that our fate is God's will or the result of oppression is what makes us impotent.

Accuracy of World Views

we need to accept every existing world view as justified.
We only have to accept that every one gets to make their own decisions. Then we can talk about how one world view is a more or less accurate understanding of how the world works than another world view. We can view the game from our individual perspective and seek out connections without regard to the impact on any other node. We can view the game from the perspective of our cluster of nodes and seek out connections without regard to the impact on any other cluster. We can also view the game from the perspective of a single set of connections – where breaking a connection reduces the amount of value flowing through the system and making new connections increases the amount of value flowing through the system. One of these perspectives gives us a better chance at winning the game than the other two.

Existing Channels

We must use the existing channels of value flows – otherwise we die.
Yes, and many of those channels are positive aspects of the one whole system. Other channels will wither away when people have the option of choosing different channels.
If each of us takes responsibility for the choices we make, and understands that it is in the interest of all of us to realize the unused human and biological potential in our locality, and that the market is not going to do that for us, then WE will find ways to make new connections that heal nature and produce abundance.

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